哈哈 这已经不懂事我第几次写博客了 可是毕竟相隔了一段时间 捏~~


写blog最主要的目的是 记录我日后的大学生活

好的坏的 快乐伤悲 都会一一记载在这里厚

距离utar orientation day for freshman 还有7天而已

I  really cannot imagine what will happen about that day 

i was being prepared the basic english and learned a lot of new vocabulary for requirement soon 

before this, i am so afraid of many trivial things.. 

at first ,is the problem of get involved with people

secondly, my english is too bad now .. even a simple composition also not able to do it ..

i deem my english level as kindergarten ..

next ,the most critical thing of my future is financial problem..

the fees considerably expensive .. degree approximately rm40000  for 4 years

if i loan to PTPTN , I‘ll bear a immense burden after graduate

i only can afford it depends on school scholarship

but the way, it's so difficult to keeps the CGPA or CPA above the 3.9 ..

On the other hand,  transport aspect was tiresome

distance between Pj and my house terribly far

it's took a half hour to there

you can think how much will spend on gasoline 

luckily a year


I pious making new friends

i'll change my disposition , attitude and opinion toward others before  commencement  start


in a word,  hope i blessed with my Ancestors and god

i really demand a little bit of luck




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