the world is too small..initially i didn't think they would choosing study at Utar

i thought that i  wouldn't see them again

but the real case has taken place on me

Sad, Pleased, Fury, Rejoice, Pity,Disconcerted

yea, admittedly , all sense blend together made me upset 

why i still can't running away the frame?

it's good for me?  God always bullies me

two days left, i'm confusing on orientation week

except for hit the books hard, what should i do really is a mystery

However, i promised  myself that my life will be wonderful and splendid soon.


when at campus, i'll keep smiling to anyone regardless they treat indifferent toward me

when at campus,i'll praise someone's merits ,nor contrive to change them

when at campus,i'll be a friendly ,genial and good-natured person

when at campus,i'll say HI and give warm greeting to my friend automatically

when at campus,i'll endure anyone who unkindly to me

when at campus,i'll be a neat, cleanliness and good manner all the time

when at campus,i should put away my bad temper

when at campus,dont be a selfish person, we all must share our "HAPPINESS" although they aren't do so 

The worst form of selfishness is when someone thinks they know everything better than the others

when at campus,I mustn't look down on those who unable to do well in examination

when at campus,should i took part in wide variety team,association and social welfare development projects in order to widen one's horizon

when at campus,TOld myself that arrogant attitude not suit me already

when at campus,Don't getting angry easily

when at campus, always REMIND ME that  i'm a brave girl, which tear of pearls can't roll down when Someone reproaching you

when at campus,try to look on bright side of matters


I only think of so many

if some part are less, i'll offset/remedy this later..

Some pearl of wisdom as following:

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart 【一个愿意的心,没有什么是不可能

Storms make trees take deeper roots 【风暴使树木深深扎根

Never understimate your power to change yourself 【永远不要低估你改变自己的权力!




ooh no ,, i took 1hour finished this post

How a valuable!


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